Only active FreeFong users can post listings to FreeFong. Create a free account here or login.
Before you post an item you need to be logged into a FreeFong account.
When you are logged in browse to a state and then a city.
At the top of every city/location page is a:
Join City OR Post button.
If you see the Join City button, click it.
Once you have joined a city/location and are logged in you will see the Post button at the top of the city/location. Click it, you are now creating a new post. Before your submit your post, please read below. Your user experience depends on it.
You do not need to post your email address. You will be contacted through When a new message is sent to you, a number will appear at the top of the page and you will also receive an email notification.
When you click the email link or view the message from "messages", you can view the entire message history as well as reply or report a user. You can get to all of your messages from the main menu under My Account -> Messages.
Once you have submitted your post, it may or may not be instantly available. If it is not, allow several minutes to an hour.
When your post is active, you will be notified by email.
When an item you have posted has been fulfilled, users can mark their post so that they no longer display on the site.
Login to your account and go to your posts from the main menu. Click edit on the specific post and at the bottom of the post edit page there is an options menu. From the options menu select fulfilled.
Login to your account and go to your posts from the main menu. Click edit on the specific post and at the bottom of the post edit page is an options menu. From the options menu select cancel.